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Results for «gold digger»

My Thai Bride

54m 26s

Ted marries a Thai bar girl but when his money runs out, the marriage ends and he returns to the UK destitute, having learned what his Thai wife already knew: without money you lose everything.

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Kokoda The Spirit Lives

1h 34m

A feature-length documentary, walking in the footsteps of the “Diggers”, who in 1942, against all odds, preserved Australia’s freedom. A stunningly filmed, modern telling of the Kokoda story and its significance in the Pacific War. An exploration of the enduring spirit that sustained the Kokoda “Diggers” and which still inspires Australians today. A commemoration of the campaign’s 75th anniversary of the Kokoda Campaign and the significant battles fought in Papua New Guinea.

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Jesse Owens

4m 24s

Four-time gold medalist in the 1936 Olympic Games, Jesse Owens was one of the greatest track and field athlete. Hear his story…

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